Our Impact
Behold the stats!

At Response, we are driven to be at the forefront of mental health provision, constantly improving, innovating and caring in everything we do.
To do this, we must measure and reflect on our impact. Whether our staff are working directly with an individual supported by Response or are ensuring the organisation runs smoothly, we have seen success in all our departments and we'd like to show you.
Check out the stats and feedback below!
Response Stats
Below is a list of statistics about Response’s services, the individuals we support, and our staff. This list is a summary and is not exhaustive of all the organisation’s activities.
adults currently supported in our services.
young people currently supported in our services.
units of accommodation currently in our adult housing portfolio.
of carers gave positive feedback about the support received by their loved one.
of young people supported by Response were successfully connected to community offers.
of feedback from children, young people, and their families was positive.
staff working at Response.
of our vacancies on average are filled by internal promotions.
of our staff reported positive wellbeing.
of our one year community fundraising target achieved (April '22-March '23).
users on our new website in the last three months.
followers currently on Response social media channels.
Sometimes words are the most powerful way to measure our impact on the lives of others.
“An absolutely brilliant service for young people and I seriously recommend this place to anyone who is struggling to find help for their mental health issues.”
“I was supported to live independently, encouraged to stop smoking, and my support worker has been wonderful in supporting me in every way.”
“My new home is so beautiful, it has a large open living room and kitchen. It's a place where I feel I belong.”
“Response put my son in touch with a recording studio that does sessions with young people in challenging circumstances - it is a perfect fit for him. ”
“My support worker helped me understand my mental health and showed me I wasn’t alone.”
“My mental health has improved dramatically and I now have measures and learnings to help me in the future .”